Each statement in the questionnaire has to be rated on a scale from 1 to 5, based on the extend to which it applies in the organization.

  • 1 - A very small extent
  • 2 - A small extent
  • 3 - A moderate extent
  • 4 - A large extent
  • 5 - A very large extent

1. All employee's have their role, responsibilities and performance criteria clearly detailed in a Job Description form.

2. The employee performance plans are established through consultations between the employee and his/her direct supervisor and signed off by the HR representatives.

3. All employees have set an Individual Performance Plan.

4. The Employee Performance Plans are relevant for indicating the employee's contribution within the entity.

1. The employee performance is measured using a balanced combination of objective assessment tools (Objectives & KPIs) and subjective/traditional assessment tools (Competencies & Behaviors).

2. Data for all KPIs established at employee level is complete (there is no missing data/ Inactive KPI).

3. The expected performance levels/ targets for competencies, behaviors and KPIs established at employee level are realistic.

4. There is alignment between organizational strategy and employees Objectives and KPIs reflected in the Performance Plans.

1. The employee formal performance evaluations are captured in standardized forms.

2. The formal employee performance evaluation takes place between the employee and his/her direct supervisor.

3. The employee performance reviews are focused on identifying areas for improvement and proposing adequate solutions.

4. The employee performance review and feedback sessions are welcomed and generate a positive vibe in the organization.

1. Employees have all the necessary resources such as technology, equipment, adequate working environment and access to educational resources to support their efforts in reaching the expected performance levels.

2. The employee performance reviews are followed up by clear initiatives directed towards supporting the employee to achieve the desired levels of performance.

3. The employee performance review follow actions as well as continuous feedback encourages and leads to better individual performance.

4. The employee performance improvement practices have a significant impact on the organizational performance.

1. The organization is using a combination of Financial & Non Financial instruments to recognize and reward performance improvement.

2. The employees are generally encouraged to propose their peer colleagues for being recognized and rewarded based on outstanding performance and/or a supportive behavior leading to performance.

3. Financial rewards are offered at least once a year to all employees based on the extent to which established performance results are achieved.

4. The rewards and recognition received are considered by employee to be equitable for all its beneficiaries.

1. The responsibility for reviewing and supporting employee performance improvement is clearly established across the entire organization to managers, supervisor and/or team leaders.

2. There is a well established employee performance appraisal cycle in the organization with clear policies, procedures and processes mapped.

3. Managers, team leaders, supervisors are held accountable for reviewing the employees performance under their responsibility as per specifications.

4. Employee performance management is well aligned and integrated with all the other organizational systems.



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